<< Vol 4, # 3 (2022 г.) Vol 4, # 4 (2022 г.) Vol 5, # 1 (2023 г.) >>
Articles |
I.V. Gabsatarov, I.S. Vladimirova, I.A. Sdel’nikova Geodynamic monitoring at the GS RAS: Current state and development prospects......................................................................................................................... 7
A.G. Epifansky, L.G. Dulentsova Model of focus zone and depth of crust seismic events..................................................24
K.Yu. Silkin Fingerprints of seismogram wavelet analysis results as a tool for creating a compact signal image for the purposes of neural network recognition........................................42
N.N. Noskova Earthquake on August 6, 2022 in the zone of the West Timan overthrust.....................56
N.M. Panas, B.A. Assinovskaya Dynamic parameters of weak earthquakes on the southeastern slope of the Baltic Shield.............................................................................................................................65
Kh.D. Magomedov, D.G. Taimazov, Z.A. Adilov, M.G. Magomed-Kasumov, O.A. Asmanov, A.M. Mirzaliev, A.M. Gadjiev Regional network of seismological observations on the territory of Dagestan: state and development prospects..................................................................................................79
E.A. Alyeshina, L.I. Karpenko, S.V. Kurtkin, B.M. Sedov , E.I. Vedernikov Determination of initial seismicity score and seismic microzoning of infrastructure area of Kolyma Hydro Power Plant............................................................................................97
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