The Russian Journal of Seismology
Новости сайта: The journal issue (V5, #2, 2023) was published

The next issue of The Russian Journal of Seismology (Vol. 5, No. 2) has been published. The issue contains articles by Russian and foreign scientists. The works of domestic researchers were sent from scientific organizations in different regions of Russia.

The first article in the issue is an article by colleagues from the Azerbaijan National Academy of Science. This paper sums up the long-term monitoring of horizontal movements of individual tectonic blocks of the earth's crust in various regions of Azerbaijan using a network of GPS stations. The most important feature of the velocity field of horizontal motions, which was revealed as a result, is a decrease in the velocity values perpendicular to the direction of the Greater Caucasus from south to north. And the average value of speeds throughout the republic was 7.3 mm per year.

Continues the article presented by the authors from the Central Branch of the GS RAS R.A. Diaghilev, I.P. Gabsatarova and E.A. Selivanova. In this work, based on the analysis of 64 earthquakes that occurred in 2020–2022 in the Chechen Republic, a calibration function was constructed to determine the local magnitude ML of earthquakes with epicenters in the central part of the Terek-Caspian trough.

The following work was written by a large team of Novosibirsk scientists from the Seismological Branch and the Altai-Sayan Branch of GS RAS. The article is devoted to the description of the methodology for monitoring the state of structures by determining the daily values of oscillation frequencies using the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP as an example. According to the data of twenty years of observations, the spectral analysis of low-amplitude seismic signals indicates a long-term and not slowing down increase in the values of the dam vibration frequencies. The authors explain this by siltation of the bottom of the reservoir or an increase in the rigidity of the structure.

An article by another Novosibirsk researcher A.V. Mikheeva continues the problem of complex analysis of various aspects of seismogenesis, which she previously raised in our journal, in particular, diagnostics of the processes of preparation of strong events. In the methodology of such an analysis, the author includes the study of the temporal behavior of the crypex of earthquakes, as well as the spatial anomalies of the crypex a year or more before the main event. On the example of strong events in the South Asian region with MS≥7.5, the main patterns of behavior of the creepex parameter in time and space in the deep region of the future source were revealed.

Other representatives of the Central Branch of GS RAS N.V. Petrova and A.D. Kurova prepared a paper that compares estimates of local ML magnitudes from catalogs of various regions of Eurasia. As a result, a number of empirical formulas were established between different types of magnitudes and the energy class of earthquakes.

Researchers from another Siberian region - the Baikal branch of GS RAS wrote an article that describes the method of detailed summary processing of earthquakes in the Baikal and Transbaikalia, used in this organization. Numerical estimates of the accuracy of the results obtained are given. It is concluded that the existing number of seismic stations in the region is not enough, but the processing of registered seismic events is carried out optimally.

The issue ends with an article by the Yakut researcher A.S. Kulyandina, which shows that the information obtained as a result of studying the consequences of the Andrei-Tas earthquake makes it possible to detail the manifestations of local seismic activity.

26.06.2023 09:00 • silkin

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