The Russian Journal of Seismology
Новости сайта: The journal issue (V5, #1, 2023) was published

The next issue of The Russian Journal of Seismology (Vol. 5, No. 1) has been published.The issue contains publications by researchers covering a wide range of regions of Russia, as well as from several other countries.

The issue opens with a traditional semi-annual article, which provides information on the seismicity of the Earth in the second half of 2022, as well as on earthquakes felt in the Russian Federation according to GS RAS data. It is noted that the seismic energy released on the globe in the second half of 2022 increased after the minimum observed in the previous half of the year over the past 13 years, but remained below the average value for this period.

Following are our colleagues from MSTU named after N.E. Bauman presented the results of their work aimed at updating seismic risk indicators on the example of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia. According to the thematic maps, illustrating very high estimates of individual risk for 6% of the territory of the Irkutsk region and 39% of the territory of the Republic of Buryatia, the need to ensure seismic safety of the population in the framework of planning measures for the advanced development of territories is proved.

Researchers from Tajikistan summed up the results of many years of analysis of long-term deformations of extremely stressed rock samples. Laboratory observations have continued uninterruptedly since 2009 and have shown that the magnitude of the large-scale positive trend over the entire period of analysis is at least an order of magnitude greater than the standard error. To our great regret, one of the authors, Nusratullo Gafurovich Salomov, did not live long enough to see the publication of the article, having died at the age of 80.

A large team of authors from the Magadan branch of GS RAS presented the results of their research on seismic zoning of the Teutedzhak ore field (Magadan region). Using the method of seismic stiffness and the method of recording earthquakes and explosions, the magnitude increments were obtained for ten areas characterized by different engineering and geological conditions.

Regular authors of the journal from the Republic of Armenia presented their new article, in which they determined and evaluated changes in the geodynamic characteristics of the strong earthquake source zone of the Javakheti Highlands and Central Armenia. As a result, the geodynamic activity of the strong earthquake source zone was revealed and a seismological section was constructed along the strike of rocks to determine the direction of migration of earthquake sources.

Representatives of the Kamchatka branch of GS RAS in their article investigated the relationship between the number of volcanic earthquakes and the level of tidal loads from the Moon and the Sun using the example of Avachinsky volcano, located in the southeast of Kamchatka. It was found that there is an increase in the intensity of the flow of volcanic earthquakes with an increase in the level of the sea tide and ebb.

10.03.2023 22:14 • silkin

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